Convention of States Part II
Washington, D.C. shouldn’t be allowed to make sweeping decisions that impact millions of Americans. But they do. Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family? You, or the feds?
Since I assume that you’ve read Convention of States Part I posted on 12/25/2023 I want to us to jump right into a 5-minute video that very succinctly summarizes what the “Convention of States” is really all about, then we’ll dive deeper into a few areas and see if we can’t agree to get on board this extremely important movement.
So are you ready to help cut this lumbering giant (the federal government) off at the knees? I believe, right along with the COS (Convention of States) organizers that we need to start with the 3 items mentioned in Part I of these two posts, the amendments that “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.” If these 3 amendments can be added to the constitution via a COS, then we will have taken the head off of the snake and can begin to rein in our out-of-control Federal Government in the only way left to us without bloodshed. It should be apparent that the “bloodshed” route would be exceptionally bad for everyone and should be avoided at all costs. Hence the need to use this tool that the Founding Fathers provided us to make this change peacefully and properly.
So what now?
WHAT IS AN ARTICLE V CONVENTION ANYWAY? Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a convention to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”
Initially, before I reviewed the COS website and signed up as a volunteer, I was skeptical about this process and it worried me that this could easily get out of control and cause the population, (at least those paying attention) to lose faith if things got off track. So I dug a bit deeper…
Article V includes numerous safeguards that protect the U.S. Constitution and ensure that only widely approved amendments are adopted. The strongest safeguard? Any amendment proposed by the Convention goes through the exact same ratification process as amendments proposed by Congress. It must be approved by 38 states. That means if only 13 states vote no, the answer is no. It doesn’t get much safer than that!
Of course, this just touches the surface of these questions and concerns that any red-blooded American would have when contemplating what many would consider a drastic move to try to regain control of our country. So I dug a bit deeper and found this page on the COS website that tackles these concerns and questions head on. Have a look at the COS website page titled “Myth Busting”. As the page states, the COS site “separates fact from fiction by citing the historical record and judicial opinions relevant to each topic”.
As an example, one of the “questions” is:
And the answer stated is:
“Congress has the authority to "call" the convention. That power is limited to setting the time, place and purpose (Sec 3.9.2). The power to call the convention does not extend to anything else (like saying who can go and how voting works). Congress is not authorized by the Necessary and Proper clause to control any aspect of the convention.”
What this means is that the states that call the convention are then in charge of everything; meaning that the current Congress cannot step in and negate the states desire to say “Set Term Limits” which anyone currently in Congress would probably not want. (they are too busy lining their pockets and don’t want to limit that money supply)
Please visit the Myth Busting” page and read through the questions and answers. From there it’s easy enough to review other sources and verify what is stated on the “Myth Busting” page. Our country is at stake here folks, take some time and do some research!
Since Convention of States launched in 2013, we’ve been spreading like wildfire. With millions of supporters nationwide, we have petition signers in every single state house district across America. We’re actively working in all fifty states to pass the Convention of States Resolution! Check out our latest stats below. (Once there scroll down and look for the “Progress Map”).
Nineteen states have passed the Convention of States resolution, calling for a convention of the states to propose constitutional amendments that will limit federal spending, limit federal power, and set term limits for federal officials. We need 34 states to get to a convention!
Have a look, select your state and check its status. There is a form to the right of the page that opens that allows you to email, telephone or even record your own video that will be forwarded to your state legislators. Let your voice be heard!
WHO IS BEHIND THIS THING? The American people. Convention of States is first and foremost a movement of grassroots citizens who are fed up with business as usual in D.C. We’re funded by thousands of everyday patriots who have committed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to protecting liberty for future generations.
Besides the usual “donations” that all political organizations run on, there are numerous ways to get more directly involved. Specifically, by volunteering and becoming a part of this fast-growing movement. At that point you can spend as much or as little time as you want. Send emails or telephone calls as shown above, or man booths at State Fairs, Gun Shows etc. and talk to like-minded patriots about this topic. As RFP has mentioned numerous times, we are the majority, and we can take back this country but ONLY if we all get involved… Click this link to go to the “Take Action” page for more ideas on how you can get involved.
A couple of final points: Have a look at the “Resources Page” to get a list of COS’s top 5 resources as a starting point, then head over to the “Process Page” so you can dig into how calling an Article V convention works.
Point #2, follow this link for the “Convention of States Pocket Guide”. A PDF format printable document that walks you through all key points that COS is working for and is something that you can give to family & friends to pique their interest as well as answer their questions. Personally, I found this to be the “Go To” item that I found on the COS website as is has it all including the complete Convention of States Petition. The very petition that COS needs every Patriot to sign to make a Convention of States happen.
And finally, I found that there is a very well-done Podcast titled “Convention of States” that has a new episode come out every few days that’ll get you in touch with those already working as leaders and volunteers to make this all happen. Well worth your time…
LOTS going on here folks; I have decided that I’ll be spending some of my limited Blood, Sweat and Treasure to support this cause and I certainly hope you will as well. Take a look at the “Convention of States” website and really dig into their very in-depth (I have barely scratched the surface with this post) and detailed pages of who’s, how’s and why’s pages.
A quick follow-up: I signed up for this group at the "Convention of States" website and within 24 hours had received a call from a COS member named Debbie as follows:
Hi Ken, this is Debbie D with convention of states I just wanted to thank you for signing the petition and volunteering and also let you know that I'm sending you an email that has some links in it to go to the website to learn more about article 5 and how you can help and also has a list of your representatives (for my home state) that you can call. Thank you so much, Merry Christmas and have a great day.
The follow up email that Debbie mentions had links to "Ways to Help" as a volunteer as well as contact data for my Local Legislatures so I can reach out to them and let my thoughts be known!
This is obviously a very active and “Hands On” group. I LIKE IT!
WE ARE THE MAJORITY my friends and if we stand together and take action, we can Restore First Principles!
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